
Showing posts from May, 2023

Society: The Ultimate Mind Conditioner

Since the dawn of civilization, humans have been social creatures. We have formed tribes, clans, and communities to survive and thrive. However, as we evolved, our social structures became more complex, and with them, our conditioning of the mind, openness, learning, and beliefs. From ancient times, societies have played a key role in shaping human behavior. From the caste system in ancient India to the feudal systems in medieval Europe, society has been instrumental in creating and enforcing social norms and customs. As the famous philosopher Aristotle once said, "Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual." In India, for example, societal conditioning has contributed to a lack of openness and narrow-mindedness that has hindered progress in many areas. According to a 2017 study by the World Economic Forum, India ranked 116th o...